Reformation 500 Event

Published: 22 September 2017
Category: News

Reformation 500! Blackburn Cathedral Thursday 19th October 2.00pm

The Presidents of Churches Together in England encourage all churches in England

to mark the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation in 2017 with sensitivity as we

acknowledge our unity in Christ. We have learnt over the past century that unity is

achieved by walking together, and we have grown in communion, friendship,

reconciliation and healing. During this anniversary we want to be able to listen to the

truth that is in each other, to hear our different stories, and build bridges of deeper

understanding and respect.

The Church Leaders of Churches Together in Lancashire invite you to gather as part

of the whole Christian community on Thursday 19th October 2.00pm in Blackburn

Cathedral for a “Commemoration of the Reformation”. Speaking side by side at this

event will be the National Ecumenical Officer for the Catholic Bishops Conference in

England & Wales, Fr John O’Toole and the Vice President of the Evangelical

Lutheran Church in England Pastor George Samiec. They will be joined by the

Church Leaders for Lancashire with reflections given by the Bishop of Blackburn, the

Chair of the Lancashire Methodist District and the Moderator for United Reformed

Church North West Synod. Also represented will be the North West Baptist

Association, Lancashire Quakers and representatives from independent free

churches in the County.

This will be the largest ecumenical gathering in Lancashire for many years and will

be a time to celebrate our distinctive Christian traditions that have been shaped

through times of both conflict and renewal. The service will be a time of word and

prayer, hymns and songs that are dear to each Christian tradition.

You are invited to come and stand in visible unity as part of the whole Christian

witness to the Gospel in Lancashire.  

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