75th Anniversary of VE Day – Friday 8th May

Big Picnic for Hope
Published: 01 May 2020
Category: News

Although COVID-19 has meant plans for commemorating the anniversary of VE Day have had to change, we are joining with other Cathedrals across the country in promoting a Big Picnic for Hope as a way of marking the day.

Although COVID-19 has meant plans for commemorating the anniversary of VE Day have had to change, we are joining with other Cathedrals across the country in promoting a Big Picnic for Hope as a way of marking the day.  Although we eat apart, we can be together by sharing pictures.  It is also an opportunity to give to those who are struggling to buy enough food to eat.

 It’s very simple:

  1. Have a picnic (safely at home, perhaps in your garden or on a rug on your living room floor).  You could coordinate the time of your picnic with friends or family, and telephone, Zoom or Skype them while you eat!
  2. Take some pictures of you and your picnic, put them on social media, use #Bigpicnicforhope and #feed5000 and tag the Cathedral so we can share them.  Alternatively, send your pictures direct to [email protected] for sharing on Twitter and Facebook.
  3. Make a donation to the Trussell Trust, the umbrella group for the majority of the UK’s Foodbanks.  You can give here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/bigpicnicforhope

Bon appetit!


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