Special launch service for ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ prayer event

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Published: 24 April 2018
Category: News
It’s not long until this year’s ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ prayer event, with a special launch service for our Diocese taking place at Blackburn Cathedral on May 9 at 7.30pm. Don't miss it! For the third year running, Christians across the country and the world are accepting the invitation, originally given by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in 2016, to set aside time from Ascension Day to Pentecost, and to pray specifically for people they know to come to know Jesus Christ. The hope of the Archbishops is that as Christians pray together we will:
  • be transformed through prayer
  • be given new confidence and encouragement by the Holy Spirit
  • be effective witnesses to Jesus Christ.
This year Thy Kingdom Come is ecumenical and it will take place from May 10 – 20. Find out more here, where you will also find a booking link. (Booking is not compulsory but it will help to manage numbers on the evening if you do.) There is also a general resources and information page on the diocesan website. Inviting you to the Cathedral for the launch service on May 9 the Dean of Blackburn, The Very Rev. Peter Howell-Jones, says: "As Christians prayer is a vital part of our daily lives. "Thy Kingdom Come will bring Christians from across our Diocese together to pray for people they know and love, to hear stories of how the gospel has changed lives and to discover the transforming love of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. "It will be an uplifting and exciting evening so, wherever your parish is in Lancashire and whatever your denomination, please make some time to be in Blackburn Cathedral on May 9 with your brothers and sisters in Christ and get ready for 10 days of prayer for Thy Kingdom Come! "I am looking forward immensely to welcoming as many people as possible from across our wonderful County."

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