New Canon Missioner at Lancashire’s Anglican Cathedral

Ceremony for the New Canon Missioner at Lancashire’s Anglican Cathedral
Published: 11 May 2018
Category: News
The licensing and installation took place recently of Rev. Canon Dr Rowena Pailing, the new Canon Missioner for Lancashire’s Anglican Cathedral. The new Canon was licensed during Evensong at Blackburn Cathedral by Rt Rev. Julian Henderson, the Bishop of Blackburn, and installed during the same service as a Residentiary Canon by the Dean of Blackburn, The Very Rev. Peter Howell-Jones. Rowena was, most recently, Director of Pastoral Studies and lectured in Church History at the College of the Resurrection, Mirfield, which forms men and women from all traditions for ordained ministry. Before that she held posts in the Diocese of Birmingham, including as a parish priest in the diverse Handsworth area. With her experience in education, growing churches and working with different faith communities, Rowena is looking forward to being part of the Cathedral community. Speaking today she said: “I first visited Blackburn Cathedral about 15 years ago on the way to a summer holiday in the Lake District and I was bowled over by the beauty of the building. I never imagined that one day I would be living and working here! “It is very exciting to be coming to a Cathedral which has such an outstanding reputation and to be part of the wider Diocese of Blackburn with its focus on mission through Vision 2026: Healthy Churches Transforming Communities. There are huge opportunities for the Cathedral and the Diocese as we work together towards that Vision.” Rowena is married to Crispin, who is also ordained and they have two secondary school age sons. Following the service, The Dean of Blackburn, The Very Revd Peter Howell-Jones commented: “Rowena will be an invaluable member of the cathedral team as we seek to help the cathedral engage more fully in the local community and wider region. “She brings significant experience of the wider Church of England and a passion to engage beyond the walls of the cathedral. She is a gifted priest with a desire to contribute to ongoing development of Blackburn Cathedral as a springboard for sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in a contemporary and meaningful way.”

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