Festival of Faith in Daily Life

Festival of Faith in Daily Life
Published: 07 February 2022
Category: News

Following on from the great success of the Festival of Prayer, the Festival of the Eucharist, and most recently the Festival of Baptism, there will be a Festival of Faith in Daily Life at the Cathedral on Saturday 19th March.  It will be a time to reflect on how we can all be confident disciples, witnesses and leaders for Jesus Christ in our homes, workplaces and communities.

The day will follow the same pattern as previous Festivals, including Bishop Philip presiding at a Eucharist sung by the Cathedral Youth Choir, a keynote address from David Alton, Lord Alton of Liverpool, about how faith has affected his working life of public service, a variety of workshops with some practical ideas, and an introduction to the Vine Community, which is a simple and flexible framework for living out a Christian life, sometimes called a ‘rule of life’.  Workshop themes will include faith at home, faith at work, and living alongside people of other faiths.

The Festival of Faith in Daily Life is free to attend, but places need to be booked in advance so that we can manage workshop numbers.  It will also be possible to pre-order a packed lunch from Checks and Greys for a small charge.  For more information, and to book a place, please email Jean Duerden on [email protected]


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