Lancashire’s New Deacons and Priests Are Now Ordained

Lancashire’s New Deacons and Priests
Published: 02 July 2019
Category: News

The latest cohort of new priests and deacons were ordained at the weekend to serve in The Church of England in Lancashire

The latest cohort of new priests and deacons – known as ‘ordinands’ – were ordained at the weekend to serve in The Church of England in Lancashire at five services across the two days.

The video previously mentioned features Rebecca Feeney (Standish); Ian Sarginson (Clitheroe); Lois Ward (Poulton, Carleton and Singleton) and Adam Thomas (Lytham). Pictures from the last week, including the ordination services, are also available to view in an album on the Diocesan Flickr site.As part of Vision 2026 we are committed to growing vocations and increasing the number of ordinands and curates in training. The Bishop’s Ordination Fund helps to fund the grants made to assist with living and removal costs of those in training. Visit where you can donate to all our present funds, including the Bishop's Ordination Fund.

The latest cohort of new priests and deacons – known as ‘ordinands’ – were ordained at the weekend to serve in The Church of England in Lancashire at five services across the two days.

The group of 18 ordinands was made up of 10 Deacons and 8 Priests.

As well as pictures from all five services in the latest media package on Dropbox (see Notes to Editors) a new broadcast quality video, featuring two of the Deacons and two of the priests is now available to view on the Diocesan YouTube channel.

The video also features all three of our Bishops, Rt Rev. Julian Henderson, Bishop of Blackburn; Rt Rev. Philip North, Bishop of Burnley and Rt Rev. Dr Jill Duff, Bishop of Lancaster, in conversation about the importance of ordination.

  • A full list of all the Deacons and Priests for 2019 and where they will serve across the Diocese can be viewed here.
  • And full profiles of each new Deacon and Priest can be viewed here

On Saturday, June 29, at Blackburn Cathedral, Bishop Jill ordained eight of the Deacons while Bishop Julian ordained five of the Priests at services at 10.30am and 2.30pm respectively.

Three further services for five ordinands were then held in parishes the next day, Sunday June 30: Bishop Julian ordained two Deacons at 10.30am at St John’s in Whittle-le-Woods at 10.30am and two Priests at St Andrew, Ashton-on-Ribble, at 2.30pm. Meanwhile the final Priest was ordained by Bishop Philip, at Fleetwood, St Peter and St Paul at 6pm on Sunday.

Bishop Julian said today: “It was a joy and a delight to see men and women released and authorised for ministry at the five services which took place over the weekend. 

“This year we had a great cohort of candidates. May their ministry bring much blessing in the parishes where they will serve.”

The video previously mentioned features Rebecca Feeney (Standish); Ian Sarginson (Clitheroe); Lois Ward (Poulton, Carleton and Singleton) and Adam Thomas (Lytham). Pictures from the last week, including the ordination services, are also available to view in an album on the Diocesan Flickr site.As part of Vision 2026 we are committed to growing vocations and increasing the number of ordinands and curates in training. The Bishop’s Ordination Fund helps to fund the grants made to assist with living and removal costs of those in training. Visit where you can donate to all our present funds, including the Bishop's Ordination Fund.


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