25 Years of Women Priests to Be Celebrated at Cathedral

Bishop Jill outside of Blackburn Cathedral
Published: 10 April 2019
Category: News

On May 14, 1994 the ordination of the first 13 women priests in Blackburn Diocese took place.

Exactly 25 years on - May 14, 2019 at 7pm - a Silver Jubilee Eucharist is due to take place at Blackburn Cathedral to celebrate the milestone.

The Eucharist will be presided over by Rt Rev. Julian Henderson, Bishop of Blackburn; will be open to everyone from across the County and will complete a day of special events to mark the anniversary.

There will be celebratory drinks after the service. (To give an indication of numbers anyone planning to attend should contact Phil Hunwick, Cathedral Events Manager, on [email protected])

Earlier on the same day at 2pm, Rt Rev. Dr Jill Duff, Bishop of Lancaster, will lead a retreat at Whalley Abbey entitled ‘Celebrating Women’s Voices and Vocations’ with a meal to follow at 5pm. This event is also open to all; men and women, lay and ordained.

For catering purposes for this part of the day, please email [email protected] if you would like to attend.

Bishop Jill said: “I love those arresting words of Jesus: ‘Look at that woman’. He brought women out of the shadows. I look forward to celebrating women’s voices and vocations on May 14, and to giving thanks at our Eucharist for our original cohort of 13 women priests.”

Bishop Julian added: “I have found the ministry of women has enriched our life as a Church and I am looking forward to celebrating our first group of women priests from Blackburn Diocese on May 14.”


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