Regular Giving Parish Giving Scheme
We are very grateful to all those who support Blackburn Cathedral with regular giving through the Parish Giving Scheme.
If you would like to support us through regular giving, then the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a simple and secure way of supporting our work and mission.
Regular giving helps to ensure the Cathedral remains open to all for generations to come.
Regular Giving
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a simple, secure way of giving to Blackburn Cathedral on a regular, monthly basis (or quarterly or annually if you prefer).
It works by making a Direct Debit from your bank account on the first of the month, which is credited to our bank account shortly after.
If you would like to support our mission and maintain our beautiful historic building, you can set up a direct debit through the Parish Giving Scheme.
Our Parish Code is: 030603001
Please see below to learn more about the scheme, what’s involved and how you can start giving regularly.
We greatly appreciate your commitment to supporting Blackburn Cathedral.
'Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendour, for everything in heaven and earth is yours.'
(1 Chronicles 29.11)
Stewardship is not about giving so the Cathedral can 'make ends meet' but about generously giving back to God and seeing God’s church grow as it resources for mission and ministry.
• Is the amount I am giving away realistic in relation to my income?
• Can I see an element of sacrifice in my giving?
• Does what I give impact on my lifestyle?
• Is my giving a priority from what I receive each week or month, or just what is left over?
• If what I give away was given back to me, would I notice?
Online: Simply visit the Parish Giving Scheme website.
By telephone: 0333 002 1271 Lines are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
To ensure that your gift reaches Blackburn Cathedral, please ensure that you use our PGS code which is: 030603001.
The Cathedral Church of St Mary The Virgin Blackburn is a charity registered with the Charity Commission in England & Wales. Charity Number: 1207822.