Ecclesiastical Home insurance
Choose the UK’s most trusted home insurer and they'll donate £130 to Blackburn Cathedral when you take out a policy.
For every new home insurance policy taken out with them, Ecclesiastical will donate £130 directly to Blackburn Cathedral.
About Ecclesiastical
Founded in 1887 to provide insurance cover to Church of England buildings, Ecclesiastical now offers home insurance to the public as well. Ecclesiastical is part of the Benefact Group, an international family of charity-owned companies that donate all available profits to good causes.
Ecclesiastical’s home insusrance policies are available on its website and over the phone – and are cheapest online. For both policies, there is a discount if you take out both buildings and contents cover.
Why choose Ecclesiastical home insurance?
- Home emergency and legal expenses cover included as standard.
- No renewal fees or admin charges for changes to your policy.
- Claim with confidence – in 2023, 99% of customers were satisfied with our service.
- New customers receive a £130 donation for the cathedral or church of their choice.
- Discount for volunteers of registered charities.
- We give our available profits to churches, charities and other good causes.
What’s covered?
- Up to £750,000 for buildings and £75,000 for contents as standard. Need more? Please call them.
- Up to £3,500 for contents away from home.
- 24-hour home emergency assistance up to £1,000.
- Legal expenses.
- Student contents at university.
- Access to helplines for glass replacement, legal and tax advice and counselling.
Award-winning home insurance
Ecclesiastical has retained its top spot in the Fairer Finance Home Insurance league table for a record twentieth time and remains the UK’s most trusted home insurance provider.
How the offer works
Ecclesiastical will make a charitable donation of £130 to Blackburn Cathedral for every new direct household policy taken out during the qualifying period.
Ecclesiastical’s Trust130 offer is open until 31 December 2025.
See terms and conditions below or click the link to get a home insurance quote. Just remember to choose Blackburn Cathedral as your cause. We thank you for your support.
Ecclesiastical Trust130 offer terms and conditions
In continuation of our 130 year anniversary celebration, we are offering to make a charitable donation of £130 when a new Ecclesiastical Insurance plc Home Insurance policy (a “Policy”) is purchased directly from us and your insurance cover commences on or before 31st December 2025, on the following terms and conditions:
- One charitable donation will be made per Policy issued.
- Quotation requests for a Policy must be made by telephone or on-line either referencing Trust130 or using a Trust130 promotion code. This charitable donation offer cannot be redeemed in any other way.
- Underwriting terms and conditions apply and we reserve the right to not provide a quotation or offer to insure if the property that is the subject of the quotation does not meet our underwriting criteria.
- The charitable donation is conditional on the named insured under the Policy notifying us of a church or cathedral in the United Kingdom which is part of the Anglican Communion to receive the donation (the “Nominated Church”). Donations will be made by us directly to the Nominated Church, within 30 days of the Policy start date.
- “We” and “us” in these terms refer to Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc.
Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Registered in England at Benefact House, 2000 Pioneer Avenue, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, Gloucester, GL3 4AW, United Kingdom. EIO is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number 113848. © Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2024
The Cathedral Church of St Mary The Virgin Blackburn is a charity registered with the Charity Commission in England & Wales. Charity Number: 1207822.