Donate to Blackburn Cathedral

Every donation, however it is made and whether large or small, plays an important role in helping to secure our long-term future.

As a thriving place of worship, outreach and community, your support of our mission helps secure this very special place for generations to come.

You can make a one-off donation here or see below for other ways to show your support:

Other ways to support us

We rely on the generous support of our congregations, guests, partners and supporters to help us to remain open to all and without charge.

Please consider supporting us - as every donation, however it is made and whether large or small, plays an important role in helping to secure the long-term future of your Cathedral.

To follow are a range of other ways you can show your support:

Regular giving

The Parish Giving Scheme is a simple and secure way of giving to Blackburn Cathedral on a regular basis. It is a direct debit from your bank account taken on the first of the month, which is then credited to us.

Learn more about the Parish Giving Scheme Right arrow

Gifts in Wills

Leaving a legacy to Blackburn Cathedral is one of the most special gifts you can give - it helps ensure the future of the Cathedral for future generations. We would be delighted if you would consider leaving us a gift in your will.

Learn more about leaving a legacy Right arrow

Donate by bank transfer

To make a bank transfer please send your payment to:
Account No: 04226704
Sort Code: 01:00:85
Account Name: Blackburn Cathedral
Payment Reference: Please use your name and add the word Donation

Donate by cheque

We accept donations by cheque and to support us this way please make cheques payable to Blackburn Cathedral and post to:

Accounts Department
Blackburn Cathedral, Cathedral Office, Blackburn, BB1 5AA

Donate by card

You can donate using Apple Pay, Google Pay, VISA, Amex and MasterCard at any of the contactless donation points located throughout the Cathedral.

Donate in cash

Cash donations are welcome and can be made in person upon entry to the Cathedral or at any of the candle stands located throughout the building.

Shop via easyfundraising

Turn your everyday online shopping into donations to Blackburn Cathedral – easyfundraising partners with 8,000+ brands who donate part of what you spend with them to us and it doesn’t cost you anything.

Learn more about easyfundraising Right arrow

Ecclesiastical Trust130

Choose the UK’s most trusted home insurer for your home contents or buildings insurance and they will donate £130 to Blackburn Cathedral when you take out a policy.

Learn more about Ecclesiastical Trust130 Right arrow

To find out more, please contact

Ian White
Chief Operations Officer 01254 845303 [email protected]
Ian White Chief Operations Officer at Blackburn Cathedral
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