
Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults is of singular importance. If you have any safeguarding concerns, please see below.

Blackburn Cathedral Chapter adopts the House of Bishop’s Safeguarding Policies and Practice Guidance and is committed to providing a safe and caring environment for all, including children and adults who may be at risk of abuse and harm.

All staff and volunteers are safely recruited and trained in accordance with our safeguarding policy. 'Promoting a Safer Church' posters are displayed throughout the Cathedral’s buildings and these have information about how to report a concern.

Any safeguarding concerns at Blackburn Cathedral can be raised with the following:

Cathedral Safeguarding Officer

Jenny Price on 07800 740001 or email: [email protected]

Under 18s Safeguarding Co-ordinator

Denise Sanderson on 07938 793844 or 01772 335903 (evenings) or email: [email protected]

Vulnerable adults Safeguarding Co-ordinator

Stewart Hopkinson on 07515 652776 or email: [email protected]

To find out more, please contact

Jenny Price
Safeguarding Advisor 07800 740001 [email protected]
Jenny Price Safeguarding Advisor
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