The Christian Faith
Our faith is a journey, and wherever you might be on that journey, there’s always something new to learn.
Blackburn Cathedral offers a range of adult educational opportunities and provides opportunities of growing in Christian discipleship, including small group discussions, dialogues about interfaith issues, and events that address issues of Christian faith and practice in the twentieth century. Bible studies are offered periodically and enquirers groups held according to demand.
We hope this section of the website might offer some guidance and support, but you are welcome to speak to a member of the cathedral team when you visit the Cathedral or send an email to [email protected] if you have any questions.
Praying is an important part of our faith, it is how we talk to God and share with him our hopes and fears for the world and our lives. Maybe you know any prayers, that’s ok– just say what is in your heart and how you feel. There is always a quiet space in the Cathedral should you wish to pray and light a candle. If you would like to pray or remember someone in that way you can find candle stands located throughout the building.
We principally learn to hear God’s voice by read scripture. If you’ve never read the Bible before we suggest you begin by reading Luke’s gospel in the New Testament: it one of four accounts of the life of Jesus in the Bible. If you are familiar with the Bible and want to go deeper you could join one of our Bible studies that meet throughout the week. At a bible study a group of friends get together to read a passage of scripture and talk about it together. Our Sunday services always contain lots of readings from the Bible and a sermon in which the preacher will reflect on what the scriptures mean for our lives today.
Eucharist and Baptism
The centre of Anglican worship is the Eucharist, sometimes called Communion or Lord’s Supper. This is reflected in Blackburn Cathedral’s building by the large stone table at the centre of the building where we celebrate the Lord’s Supper and consecrate the elements.
As the Book of Common Prayer puts it, “Baptism marks the beginning of a journey with God which continues for the rest of our lives, the first step in response to God’s love.” It is through this service that we die to ourselves, by going down into the water of baptism, and rise to new life in Jesus Christ.
If you would like to receive Eucharist or Baptism, please contact the Canon Missioner.
It is through prayer, reading scripture, baptism, and regular receiving of common that we come to not just know about God but to love him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This is, as Jesus teaches us, the first commandment.
Jesus said to his disciples “Love one another.” We fulfil this instruction of Jesus by joining a community of his followers and loving and being loved in return. This isn’t always easy, and we know that many people have had painful and hurtful experiences in Church. It is our prayer that you find the congregation at Blackburn Cathedral to be a place of warm, healing and acceptance. The best way to join us is to come on to a Sunday service and make yourself known the one of the clergy.
Acts of Service
The second commandment that Jesus gives us is to “love our neighbour as ourselves.” At Blackburn Cathedral one of the ways that we fulfil this commandment is through acts of service to the town of Blackburn. There are plenty of volunteering opportunities that we can find for you: working with refugees and asylum seeks for example.
The Christian faith is a journey that takes a lifetime. There is far more to be said than can fit here, to discover more come and visit us.