John Robinson Appointed Director of Music

Published: 10 April 2019
Category: News

Blackburn Cathedral is delighted to announce the appointment of John Robinson as Director of Music following the recent appointment of Samuel Hudson as Organist and Director of Music at Worcester Cathedral.

 John is currently Director of Music at St. Paul’s Choir School, Harvard Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and will join us in the UK during the summer. 

John Robinson began musical life as a Chorister at Hereford Cathedral, where he continued at the Cathedral School as an organ pupil of Dr. Roy Massey MBE.

Following Organ Scholarships at Canterbury Cathedral and St. John’s College Cambridge, he was Assistant Director of Music at Carlisle and Canterbury Cathedrals. He has made numerous recordings as Organ accompanist, Organ Soloist, and as Choir Director, on labels including Hyperion, Decca, Sony Classical, and Priory.

Commenting on his appointment, John said:

I’m absolutely delighted to be taking up the appointment of Director of Music at Blackburn from September.

The Dean of Blackburn, the Very Reverend Peter Howell-Jones, said:

The Director of Music is a key appointment in the life of any cathedral and I am thrilled that John has accepted our invitation to come to Blackburn. He is a gifted musician with significant experience as an organist and choir trainer and we look forward to all that John will bring in helping us to develop the music ministry at Blackburn Cathedral.



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