The Lords Prayer Tour

10th October at 10:00 am


Date: 10th October 2025
Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Venue: Blackburn Cathedral

The Archbishop of York plans to teach the Lord’s Prayer across the North of England throughout 2025, a priority of his vision for Faith in the North.

Full details coming soon, please save the date.

The Archbishop is to visit all 12 dioceses in the Northern Province of the Church of England where he will be speaking and sharing the importance and relevance of the Lord’s Prayer to our world today, encouraging people to pray and live by this as part of their missionary discipleship.

Working alongside others, the Archbishop is encouraging prayer, storytelling and church planting inspired by the Northern Saints such as Hild, Cuthbert, Bede and Paulinus. The aim is to foster deeper connections with the Christian faith across the north and renew the Church’s missionary purpose to share God’s love with all.

The Archbishop said “In less than 70 words, Jesus gives us a prayer to learn by heart and a prayer that gets inside our hearts, shaping the way we live. The Lord’s Prayer surely is the best place to start. It is said in just about every church service, from the coronation of the King to the christening of a child. It’s a challenging prayer and when we say this prayer together, we become part of God’s movement of change, of bringing God’s heaven to earth. It teaches us how to pray. But it also teaches us how to live”.

As well as teaching people how to say the Lord’s Prayer and how it can show us a pattern for living, there will also be a collective gathering on 10 October 2025. This will be an invitation for all churches, schools and individuals from across the North of England to come together to say the Lord’s Prayer as one. It is hoped that many people will come to a greater understanding of the Lord’s Prayer and see their lives shaped by the vision it presents.

The Archbishop has authored ‘Praying by Heart: The Lord’s Prayer for Everyone’ and ‘The Lord’s Prayer: A Beginner’s Guide’ for children and young people, to be published next year by Hodder. Video extracts of the book and suggestions for home study resources will be available online in 2025.

Learn more about the Lords Prayer Tour.

About Faith in the North

Faith in the North is a movement of prayer and strategic resourcing for churches, schools and individuals to foster deeper connections with the Christian faith and renew missionary purpose.

A suite of resources for schools will be released in early 2025 for children and young people to know and engage with the Lord’s Prayer as a pathway to faith as well as resources for churches.

Faith in the North aims to help recapture the missional energy and commitment to prayer of the Anglo-Saxon saints leading towards 2027, with the celebration of the 1400th anniversary of the establishment of the Church of Saint Peter in York and baptism of King Edwin by Paulinus in 627.

Learn more about Faith in the North.

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