‘La Nativité du Seigneur’ by Olivier Messiaen
21st December at 7:00 pm
Come and hear one of the 20th Century's most famous and colourful Christmas organ pieces on one of the most exciting organs in the country, performed by Blackburn Cathedral's Director of Music, John Robinson.
The organ at Blackburn Cathedral is one of the best organs in the UK for playing the music of Olivier Messiaen and this concert will showcase this to extraordinary effect.
La Nativité du Seigneur was written in 1935 when Messiaen was just 27 and constituted a great change in organ music at the time.
He was one of the most individual voices in a century defined by it’s pluralism and cultural complexity. His organ music is uniquely theological in it’s conception, and in La Nativité, he tells the Christmas story in nine unique meditations.
Time often stands still, and then rushes forwards, miracles happen and an incredible tenderness and humanity pervades movements about the humanity of Jesus and his mother Mary.
Music is it’s own unique language for the expression of theological paradox, uncertainty, conviction, and overwhelming joy.
The concert will be the perfect antidote to the stresses of the festive period.
There is no charge to attend this meditative concert and no ticket is required.
A donation of £5 per person is suggested and gratefully received.