Blackburn Chamber Choir: Come and Sing Handel’s Messiah
1st February at 2:00 pm
Come and Sing Handel's 'Messiah' in the glorious acoustics of Blackburn Cathedral with Blackburn Chamber Choir.
Enjoy an afternoon singing one of the choral classics – Handel’s Messiah – at this ‘Come and Sing’ event hosted by Blackburn Chamber Choir.
Led by Blackburn Cathedral Director of Music John Robinson and accompanied by Organist in Residence John Hosking, we’ll rehearse the choruses from Part I plus the Amen chorus. After a break for refreshments (tea and cakes will be available for participants), there will be a performance of the Messiah starting at 4.30pm to which all are welcome to attend.
This is a friendly, no-experience-required occasion, all voice parts are welcome, scores will be provided and there is no charge to attend the performance.
If you have ever wanted to have a go at singing Handel’s Messiah, here is your chance in the safe hands of Blackburn Chamber Choir.