Easter at Blackburn Cathedral
Lent and Easter is a very special time at Blackburn Cathedral and you are warmly invited to join us at the services and events taking place.
Here's everything you need to know about Lent and Easter at Blackburn Cathedral including details of the different services and special events taking place.
Please feel encouraged to join us for Lent and to experience the joy of the Easter period with us - whether you visit regularly or have never been before - we’re open to all and you’ll always be warmly welcomed.

Special Lent and Easter services
Worship is at the heart of Cathedral life every day and highlights of the Lent and Easter period include...
Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day. In addition, there is the Pilgrimage of Prayer and Good Friday Liturgy along with the Easter Vigil.

Ash Wednesday Wednesday 5th March, 7.30pm
The start of Lent is a time of reflection and of asking for forgiveness, as Christians prepare to celebrate Jesus's resurrection at the feast of Easter, which comes at the end of Lent.
The evening Cathedral Eucharist service on Ash Wednesday includes the imposition of ashes, at which the priest puts ash in the form of a cross on people’s foreheads if they so wish.

Palm Sunday - Sunday 13th April, 10.30pm
Beginning outside the Cathedral, all are very welcome to join us as we process into the Church, or to take your seats inside if that is more convenient for you.
This service remembers Jesus’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and then tells the story of his journey to the cross.

Holy Week Concert - Wednesday 16th April, 7.30pm
Our popular Holy Week choral concert this year features a performance of Bach's monumental St. John Passion.
The Passion of Jesus is brought vividly to life through spectacular choruses, heart-rending solos, and a final movement that seems to right all the wrongs of the world. This famous work will be brought to life by four outstanding soloists joined by both Blackburn Music Society and Blackburn Chamber Choir.

Maundy Thursday Eucharist - Thursday 17th April, 8pm
On Maundy Thursday, we remember how Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and then shared the last supper with him, before being betrayed.
The service includes the ritual of foot washing, and ends in silence with the opportunity to remain until 10pm in silent prayer for those who wish.

Pilgrimage of Prayer - Friday 18th April, 10am
An hour long service sung by the Youth Choir with music and interactive reflections on the cross. All are welcome to join us at this friendly and informal service which is particularly suitable for children.

Good Friday Liturgy - Friday 18th April, 12pm
This service lasts three hours and the first two hours consist of reflections, music and silence with a focus on the cross of Jesus. The final hour is sung by the Cathedral Choir, and focuses on the crucifixion of Jesus. Everybody is very welcome to come for all or part of this service and are encouraged to enter and leave quietly as they wish.

Easter Vigil - Saturday 19th April, 8pm
This service begins outside as the Easter Fire is lit and then moves inside. The service includes the opportunity for baptism and confirmation - please contact your parish priest in the first instance if you are interested in being baptised or confirmed. If you are a member of the Cathedral congregation please speak to a member of the clergy. Note that this service lasts around two hours.

Easter Parish Eucharist - Sunday 20th April, 9am
The Parish Eucharist is a friendly, relaxed Eucharistic service which will feature a celebration of Easter. There will be hymns and a sermon and the service, which lasts around 45 minutes, will be sung by the Youth Choir.

Easter Cathedral Eucharist - Sunday 20th April, 10.30am
Join us to celebrate on Easter Day at the full Eucharistic service. The service, which lasts a little over an hour, will be sung by the Cathedral Choir. Refreshments will be served afterwards and all are warmly invited to attend.

Visiting this Springtime
Blackburn Cathedral is open every day of the year and all are warmly welcome to visit and take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
The Cathedral is home to a number of extraordinary pieces of modern art, some beautiful chapels where you can stop to pray and light a candle or perhaps visit the popular Cathedral café, Checks & Greys.
Lent and Easter services
Please note that visitor restrictions may apply on certain days. For details of temporary closures or alterations to our standard pattern of opening and service times, please see the Cathedral events calendar.