Earth photography Competition
Enter our photography competition for a chance to win a cash prize and see your entry displayed in a special exhibition.
Enter our earth photography competition for a chance of winning a cash prize and seeing your image displayed in a prestigious photography exhibition at Blackburn Cathedral throughout the installation of Luke Jerram's Gaia.
Photographers of all ages and skill levels from anywhere in the United Kingdom are invited to enter this competition and full details can be found below.
Start date: Monday 10th February 2025
Closing date: 23:59, Sunday 10th August 2025
Entry fee: Free
Restrictions: You must be a UK resident
The only requirement is that your image should represent 'life on earth' in some form.
Please note that entrants are free to interpret this theme as they wish when entering - for example:
It could be caterpillar on a leaf, a drone shot of a bustling city, a lion on the prowl in the African savannah, a busy protest, the beauty of a sunset or a street scene in a faraway land - the opportunities are literally endless!
All your image must do is represent 'life on earth'.
£500 for the overall winner.
£250 for a highly commended entrant.
£250 for The 'People's Choice Award'.
Voting will be open during the installation of Gaia at Blackburn Cathedral between 6th October and 16th November 2025, with the winner being notified thereafter.
The winner and highly commended entrant will be notified ahead of the launch of the exhibition.
The winner of the People's Choice Award will be notified once the exhibition closes and the count has been completed and independently verified.
Please note that all correspondence will be by email to the address supplied when entering the competition.
Blackburn Cathedral will be open from 8.30am until 4.30pm most days (please note that visitor restrictions may apply on certain days. For details of temporary closures or alterations to our standard pattern of opening, please see the daily Gaia schedule).
There is no charge for daytime entry and we look forward to welcoming you to see Gaia and the photography exhibition at Blackburn Cathedral.
Full details of the judges will be released in due course.
• Interpretation and application of the competition theme
• Technical skills
• Artistic merit
• Originality