Good governance is important to ensure that the Cathedral is well maintained for future generations and that everyone who visits the Cathedral enters a safe and flourishing environment.
The corporate body of Blackburn Cathedral is the Chapter, a body comprising of up to five Executive members (including the Dean and the two Residentiary Canons) and up to eight Non-Executive members (two-thirds of whom must be lay people). Members of Chapter are Trustees of The Cathedral Church of St Mary The Virgin Blackburn for the purposes of charity law.
Non-Executive members of Chapter are appointed by the other members of the Chapter. The Bishop of Blackburn appoints one Non-Executive member to serve as the Senior Non-Executive member.
Blackburn Cathedral is regulated by the Cathedrals Measure 2021. Our constitution and statutes can be viewed below.
The Chapter’s annual reports set out in detail the rich and varied nature of the life and work of our Cathedral and these, together with our audited annual accounts, can also be viewed below.
The College of Canons, a body made up of lay and ordained people appointed by The Bishop, provides feedback on policy decisions made by Chapter and considers ways in which the cathedral can extend its mission into the wider work of the Diocese.