Donate to blackburn cathedral

Donations and legacies

We are grateful that you may wish to consider making a donation or leaving a legacy to support the work of Blackburn Cathedral.

The Cathedral is open every day and most evenings for daily worship, to host events, exhibitions, tours and other many other community activities.

Just to keep the Cathedral running requires nearly a million pounds every year, and an enormous building like ours costs a great deal more in ongoing maintenance and repairs.

Why we need donations

The Cathedral, which is open to all visitors without charge, is a centre for the religious, artistic and cultural life of our community, not just in Blackburn but throughout Lancashire and beyond.

The Cathedral is used by a variety of groups from across the region throughout the year, however as costs continue to rise, we need to encourage all who have an interest in what we stand for to help us.

We are self-supporting, relying on donations, legacies and fundraising activities to enable us to carry out the work we do.

The Cathedral receives no income from central government, very limited funding from the Church of England and is almost entirely self-funding. Projects to maintain the buildings, to develop our music and amenities and to develop our community outreach depend on charitable giving, grant aid and legacies.

We continue to be grateful for the generosity of those who support our work.

Regular Giving by Direct Debit

If you would like to support our mission and maintain our beautiful historic building, you can set up a direct debit through the Parish Giving Scheme. Our Parish Code is: 030603001

Gift Aid

For every £10 given by taxpayers to the Cathedral, we can reclaim £2.50 from the Inland Revenue, increasing the value of your gift to £12.50.

For a full explanation of the scheme and a Gift Aid form, please email: [email protected]


Details and a guide to writing your will to reflect your Christian Faith and your wish to support our mission and ministry can be found on the Church of England website.

To find out more, please contact

Ian White
Chief Operations Officer 01254 845303 [email protected]
Ian White Chief Operations Officer at Blackburn Cathedral
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