Lost in Wonder… The Search for Meaning

12th November at 7:30 pm


Date: 12th November 2024
Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Venue: Blackburn Cathedral

Lost in Wonder: An immersive evening of sights and sounds reflecting on wonder and the search for meaning.

We have looked up at the moon and the stars in wonder since the dawn of civilisation. In the last 120 years, humankind has advanced from the first powered flight, to landing on the moon, and now you can even buy a ticket to space, if you can afford it.

Developments in science and technology mean that the wonders of the natural world have never been better understood.

But despite all our scientific understanding are we any closer to knowing what any of it means?

Lost in Wonder will be a thought provoking and immersive evening of sights and sounds, with refreshments served by Checks & Greys.

A fun and thought-provoking introduction to the question of ‘how we search for meaning in our contemporary scientific world’.

Guest speakers include:

Mark Harris

Professor Mark Harris holds the position of the Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion, which is attached to a Professorial Fellowship at Harris Manchester College.

As a physicist working in a theological environment, he thinks of himself as a theologian of science, interested in the complex ways that the natural sciences and religious beliefs relate to each other.

David Wilkinson

Professor David Adam Wilkinson is a theologian, astrophysicist and academic. He was the Principal of St John’s College, Durham (2006-2023), and is a professor in the Department of Theology and Religion at Durham University.

In September 2023 he was appointed as Director of Equipping Christian Leadership in an Age of Science (ECLAS), an international project funded in part by the John Templeton Foundation.

Ticket details coming soon...
Includes refreshments provided by Checks & Greys
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