Become a Chorister at Blackburn Cathedral

Choristers of Blackburn Cathedral
Published: 14 October 2021
Category: News

How to join Blackburn Cathedral Choristers

How to join Blackburn Cathedral Choristers. A short video for parents, grandparents, and anyone interested in becoming a chorister at Blackburn Cathedral. It's free, and an amazing opportunity. Many lives have been changed by this unique introduction to music. #Blackburn #Singing #Cathedrals

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Bishop of Blackburn, Rt Rev. Julian Henderson; the Bishop of Lancaster, Rt Rev. Geoff Pearson; the Archdeacon of Lancaster, The Venerable Michael Everitt; the Archdeacon of Blackburn, The Venerable Mark Ireland and the Canon Sacrist of Blackburn Cathedral, Canon Andrew Hindley. They were joined by the Dean of Chester, The Very Rev. Professor Gordon McPhate.
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The Collation, Induction and Installation of the new Dean of Blackburn
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Members of Landmark Flower Festival
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Ceremony for the New Canon Missioner at Lancashire’s Anglican Cathedral
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