A Literary Lunch
8th March at 12:00 pmDetails
Our Guest Speaker, Dr Cynthia Johnston FSA, Senior Lecturer in the History of the Book and Communication, Institute of English Studies, University of London, will bring to us the life and writings of Blackburn Author, Dorothy Whipple (née Stirrup)1893 – 1966, who was considered by J B Priestley to be the Jane Austen of the 20th Century. Two of her novels “They Were Sisters” and “They Knew Mr Knight” were to become feature films in 1945 and 1946 respectively.
Time: 12 noon for 12.30 p.m. Venue: The Crypt, Blackburn Cathedral, Cathedral Square, Blackburn BB1 1FB Tickets: including the 2 course lunch, £25.00.
These are available by making payment via BACS to Blackburn Cathedral Trust: NatWest: Sort Code:01-00-85; Account No.: 14578662, using the reference “Whipple”, from Checks and Greys Café at Blackburn Cathedral or via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-life-and-books-of-the-blackburn-author-dorothy-whipple-literary-lunch-tickets-785411666437?aff=oddtdtcreator
Should you require further information or have a dietary requirement please contact: Peter Whitman [email protected]
As all our events, this event will be held to raise money for Blackburn Cathedral Trust which supports Choral Scholars, Education with schools and the restoration of the crypt.