Holy Week Concert: Bach’s St John Passion

16th April at 7:30 pm


Date: 16th April 2025
Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Venue: Blackburn Cathedral

Our famous Holy Week choral concert this year features a performance of Bach's monumental St. John Passion.

This famous work will be brought to life by five outstanding soloists joined by both Blackburn Music Society and Blackburn Chamber Choir.

In April 1724, Bach unleashed one of the world’s greatest musical masterpieces onto an unsuspecting Leipzig. Nothing could have prepared contemporary audiences for the virtuosic writing, and emotional depths of this piece.

The Passion of Jesus is brought vividly to life through spectacular choruses, heart-rending solos, and a final movement that seems to right all the wrongs of the world.

Please join us for our very own performance of this famous work, brought to life by local choirs, and our own in-house orchestra ‘Cathedra Players’.


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